Native call transcripts don’t work if you have IVR turned on.
Right now, Advanced Call Transcripts & Summaries doesn’t work for inbound phone calls where the IVR system is enabled.
For some reason, none of the IVR calls are transcribed.
Even if someone calls and IVR just puts them straight through to you then you talk with them for 45 minutes, none of that will be transcribed.
It will still be recorded, just not transcribed.
Despite the obvious fact that this is dumb and it should be fixed, we could still work around it.
Using a 3rd-party speech-to-text service like OpenAI or Deepgram is less reliable however, especially on phone calls.
The system tends to get confused about who’s talking and when, since it’s trying to piece it all together using only the sound of each speakers’ voice.
Nevertheless, IVR is very useful so this may be a good feature/product to add.